Like every other performer who relies on touring to make their living, I've just lost my entire income for the foreseeable future in the blink of an eye. Coming right off the back of a string of canceled work due to the Australian bushfire summer from hell, this COVID-19 pandemic hits hard. I was preparing to announce a run of tour dates to launch the new album, but I have no option now but to put these plans on hold until it’s safe to go back out on the road.

The only safety net I have in this time is my connection to my audience, so in response to this emergency I have joined up with Patreon to help me continue bringing my music to you. Subscribing through Patreon is an incredible way that you can support the artists that you love, and it helps them to focus on their creative work by providing a reliable, steady income stream.

I’m asking for your faith, solidarity and support in this difficult moment. As a Patreon member, you’ll receive access to exclusive content: Whole albums of unreleased material! Demo recordings, sketches and more! Behind-the-scenes updates! Live stream concerts! And the pride of fuelling work that (I hope) truly matters to you.

I’ll have a lot of time on my hands in the months ahead, and I have my instruments, my studio, and my connection to you. Now, let’s take these lemons and make some lemonade.